강북구수학 institutions between 1995 and 1996. Changes in counts of institutions over time are also affected by changes in the numbers of institutions submitting separate data for branch campuses. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Education Directory, Colleges and Universities, 1949-50 through 1965-66; Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), “Institutional Characteristics of Colleges and Universities” surveys, 1966-67 through 1985-86; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), “Institutional Characteristics Survey”(IPEDS-IC:86-99); and IPEDS Fall 2000 through Fall 2013, “Institutional Characteristics” component, as included in Digest of Education Statistics 2016 [Table 317.10]. 12 2018 Equity Indicators Report Between 1995 and 2005, the number of for-profit institutions more than doubled, rising from 345 in 1994-95 to 879 in 2004-05, and then increased again to a peak of 1,451 in 2012-13. Since then, the number of for-profit institutions has fallen to 1,263 by 2015-16. The recent decline is attributable to the closing or consolidation of for-profit institutions, as well as the conversion of some for-profit institutions to non-profit status. Enrollment Trends. In fall 2017, an estimated 17.5 million undergraduates were enrolled in U.S. degree-granting higher education institutions (STS Figure 3). Enrollment since the 1970s shows an overall upward trend over time, with some periods of declines or no growth.12 Trends in enrollment are linked, at least in part, to trends in employment opportunities (e.g., the Great Recession between 2008 and 2010). In periods of fewer job opportunities and higher unemployment, college enrollment generally increases. Undergraduate enrollment increased sharply during the Great Recession, rising from 15.6 million in fall 2007 to a peak of 18.1 million in fall 2010, and then declined by 2 percent between fall 2011 and fall 2012 and by 1 percent between fall 2012 and fall 2014. Enrollment declined again between 2014 and 2015, reaching 17.04 million. Estimated undergraduate enrollment increased by about 200,000 between 2015 and 2016 and by 200,000 more between 2016 and 2017. In 2017 total undergraduate enrollment returned to about the level of 2009.13 Enrollment by Institutional Control and Level. In fall 2015, public institutions accounted for 77 percent of undergraduate enrollments, private non-profit institutions accounted for 17 percent, and private forprofit institutions accounted for 6 percent (STS Figures 3 and 4).14 Because public institutions, on average, enroll larger numbers of students than private non-profit and private for-profit institutions, the distribution of enrollment by control is different than the distribution of institutions. In 2015-16, 35 percent of institutions were public, 37 percent were private non-profit, and 28 percent were private for-profit (tabulated from STS Figure 2). While there have been some declines in the share of enrollments in public institutions since 1975, public institutions have consistently enrolled at least 70 percent of undergraduates. In 1975, 81 percent of undergraduates were enrolled in public institutions. The public share declined to 76 percent by fall 2010 and was 77 percent in 2014 and 2015. The share of undergraduates enrolled in private non-profit institutions fluctuated between 19 percent in 1975 and 15 percent in 2008. In 2014, about 17 percent of undergraduates were enrolled in private non-profit institutions (16.3 percent in 4-year and 0.3 percent in 2-year private non-profits). 12 Before 1995-96, NCES counted “institutions of higher education.” Beginning in 1995-96, the numbers reflect “degree-granting institutions,” defined by NCES as “institutions that grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs.” NCES (2016). Digest of Education Statistics 2016 [Table 317.10]. 13 NCES projects undergraduate enrollment to reach the level of 2010 (18,082,427) by 2019 and to continue to increase up to 19,349,000 by 2026. NCES (2016). Digest of Education Statistics